What are Plantar Fasciitis Stretches?

If you are experiencing heel pain and swelling of the heel area, it is quite possible you are suffering from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain and requires time and patience during the recovery period.

It is possible for this condition to develop in any individual, however, there are certain factors that will put you at higher risk. The group of individuals who have an increased risk are runners due to the repeated pressure put on the tissue at the bottom of the foot.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis affects the thick layer of tissue that connects the heel to the bones at the base of the toes. This tissue runs along the underside of the foot. This area becomes inflamed due to exposure to repeated pressure, obesity or incorrect footwear can be a common cause of plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis usually occurs in those who are either middle-aged or younger individuals who run on a regular basis. The plantar ligament provides cushioning to absorb the pressure of walking and running.

By straining this ligament you will cause tiny tears to occur if they continue plantar fasciitis will eventually develop. You will be at higher risk of developing this condition if you have either high arches or flat feet.

What is Plantar Fasciitis Stretches?

Plantar fasciitis stretches are prescribed to help improve overall foot mobility and will aid a positive recovery. These stretches can also decrease the symptoms which include:

Recovery Stretches

There are various stretches that can aid your recovery, and it will depend on the severity of your condition which is recommended for you. It is usually advised to begin plantar fasciitis stretches when the pain and swelling begin to subside. The stretches that are usually used to treat this condition are:

  1. Plantar Fascia Stretch
  2. Rolling Stretch
  3. Step Stretch
  4. Calf Stretch

The recommendation for improving symptoms and mobility is to perform these static stretches three times a day. Continuing to do this helps to avoid the recurrence of plantar fasciitis. These stretches will likely be demonstrated at your rehabilitation sessions.

Recovery time will vary depending on the severity, taking anywhere from weeks to months to see improvement. It should also be noted that flare-ups can reoccur.

Will these Stretches Cure my Plantar Fasciitis?

Unfortunately there is no ‘cure’ for plantar fasciitis, however, you can take steps to reduce the recurrence of the condition. By maintaining a healthy BMI you can reduce the risk of a flare-up, this is because those who are obese will naturally put extra pressure on their feet.

It is also beneficial to wear the correct footwear, especially if you are a runner. You can get your feet measured at a sportswear store and seek advice on the correct shoes to suit your needs. Old and worn-out athletic shoes should be tossed in the trash!

Supportive shoes are recommended to keep your feet healthy, even if they are not the most fashionable. If you have issues with this condition or would like to avoid it, it is highly recommended that you avoid high heels.

By continuing the plantar fasciitis stretches once your symptoms have subsided, you are safeguarding yourself against further pain. To find out more about plantar fasciitis treatment options click here.


As you can see, plantar fasciitis stretches can be extremely positive towards your recovery. It’s extremely important to perform them as advised by your doctor. This ensures you are doing them safely and correctly to prevent any further damage.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain reported by physicians, therefore it is essential for you to take steps to reduce the risk of this condition occurring.

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